Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cutting Of A Scorpio Man Want To Try Again With A Scorpio Man. What Should I Do?

Want to try again with a Scorpio man. What should I do? - cutting of a scorpio man

I need advice about a scorpion man I day. We started 9 months ago and since then no longer spoken. With only about 1.5 months. There was a strong bond and a very strong chemistry. I was a bad time when we left. I had some serious problems in the family and fl and emotionally cut off. I never said what was happening because he did not know the whole time, and was not sure how I would deal with the situation. It was clearly a mistake. He finished it begins (data twice canceled and then he stood up, but he asked to try to explain lated). I'm frustrated a bit when I left a message that it does not work and it should be just friends. In his heart he knew that he was not high on that day.

I've heard that we are in a social club or group, so that our paths will cross again. I want to try it with him, because the chemistry was very strong. So all Scorpios, what do I do when we meet again?


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